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Dolphin Fin Karma Power Animal Healing Stone Bracelet Angelite Angel Stone, consecrated - Peace of Mind

Sale price129,98 €

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Dolphin fin karma power animal healing stone bracelet angelite angel stone, consecrated - peace of mind, dolphin whale whale fin dolphins, bracelet size: 16.6 cm, beads 0.8 cm, whale fin sterling silver

Unique , original photo, individual pieces and small model editions in loving handcraft, samaki originals mallorca

Gemstone Meaning / Healing Stone Therapy:
calming, uplifting, redeeming, comforting - the angelite, the angel stone, stone of the angels, with its beautiful light blue coloring optically light and soft, the anhydrite - "without water" - harmonizes our metabolism and strengthens the organs, this wonderful talisman healing stone promotes our authenticity by directing our thoughts in clear paths, letting fears go, creating trust so that we can be "ourselves", God's will and loved in this world; in the case of mental stress, the angelite is a source of strength and encouragement, it illuminates our progress on new paths; the angel stone promises us new stability and also endurance, it reminds us that the wonderful power to do so lies in our hands; for more energy, optimism, self-confidence ....

Symbol and power animal whale, the meaning of the whale fin:
Whales are the largest and oldest living mammals that live in all the world's seas. Mythology even says that the whale played a role in the creation of the earth. This is why this large, wonderful animal is also called the world fish and the pillar of the universe. Many stories tell of people who were swallowed by a whale and came to new insights in its belly; the whale reminds us to come to our senses, to look for our visions, to recognize them, to follow them...

The whale is the guardian of ancient knowledge! As a power animal, it promises a rediscovery of one's own, deeply hidden powers, it encourages us to get to the bottom of the things that concern us, to fulfill our learning tasks with dedication... in this way, secret paths to spiritual and emotional development are revealed to us. The whale promotes our basic trust, supports our recovery and our health on all levels. It is a powerful and at the same time gentle soul guide who says: trust your intuition! Then doors will open, new paths will be revealed, solutions will emerge...

we are what we release ...
what we feel ...
what we visualize ...
what we bring into being ...
what we are ...
our karma in our hands

Karma means action , not only our actions themselves, but also the consequences of them; energetically this means: we are what we release... love, peace, harmony - we decide!

Karma is the principle of cause and effect , and what happens to us today is rooted in yesterday, or even in another, previous life; what we send out into the world today will define our tomorrow, that is the law of the universe, an energetic balancing process... our thoughts become words, our words manifest themselves in actions, these become habits that form our character - and our character is our destiny....

your karma is the companion of your immortal soul, and it is in your hands - here and now - to redeem old structures and to cultivate your love for life, we can learn and free ourselves, take new paths .... through consciousness-raising and devotion ....

Chakra jewelry and its meaning:
According to Ayurvedic health teachings (India), the seven main chakras are important energy centers in our body that connect us with our subtle elements and in which energy is concentrated. If they are fully charged and in full swing, we feel happy and balanced, are powerful and flexible, want to try new things, say clearly what we want and what we don't want... we feel free and loved...

Each chakra has its own area of ​​correspondence, which extends equally to our physical condition as well as our mental and spiritual well-being. If a #chakra is not supplied with enough energy or is even blocked, we do not feel well, we "don't feel good in the heart" .....

and sometimes this so-called energy deficiency also manifests itself in the body, that is always the current state that wants to be seen and healed..... you can do so much for your physical and mental well-being, for example by devoting yourself to your chakras, becoming aware of the energy blockages, and you can refill your chakra energy centers using gemstone therapy, Reiki, yoga, energetic exercises and also healing symbols that have worked for people since ancient times! a wonderful wellness therapy...

consecrated jewelry
At samaki originals, we understand a consecration to be a festive ceremony in which heart energies are released, a ritual act in which something new is brought into being with very special care, in its uniqueness, in its composition, in its deeper meaning .... our samaki originals karma gemstone jewelry and boho hippie bracelets, palm stones and gemstones are handmade in the production process under the positive light vibrations of traditional, responsible and loving Reiki by a long-standing Reiki master and spiritual teacher, thus becoming a consecrated piece of jewelry of a special kind, consecrated jewelry from Mallorca

A #talisman is a symbolic companion that always reminds us to welcome life with courage and optimism. Even after the biggest storm, warm sunshine always follows, and what a #lucky child is he who can draw his strength from the beauty of the moment!

For thousands of years, people have used the power of talismans or lucky charms, consisting of precious healing stones, symbols from various cultures and eras. We have put together a special selection for you, such as the #Triskele, the #Angelcaller, the Tree of Life, the Hand of Fatima, the #Guardian Angel, and combined them with various materials such as #Gemstone, #Sterlingsilver, #Silk, Indian pearls, tassels, etc.

Anti Stress jewelry samaki originals made of gemstone
... we all need to take a deep breath every now and then these days, and who doesn't know them, the stressful moments in life, be it at work, on the road, in the family, in everyday life, even if we love what we do: every now and then it catches up with us

Our anti-stress gemstone bracelets and necklaces samaki originals can help you to cope with these special moments with ease and to overcome the small hurdles of everyday life with enthusiasm; our gemstones are known from healing stone therapy as powerful helpers in such situations, we have threaded and consecrated unique pieces for you! We wish you a smile on your face at all times, energy and enjoyment in life, and look forward to being able to inspire you once again....

Favorite piece of jewelry: please pay attention to your bracelet size, most samaki originals karma bracelets and gemstone bracelets are also available "smaller": we are happy to work to measure for you, please simply state the desired size when ordering and / or the circumference of the wrist, for very narrow wrists and children's wrists - in centimeters, our service ....

Delfin Flosse Karma Krafttier Heilstein Armband Angelit Engelsstein, geweiht - Lebensfreude
Dolphin Fin Karma Power Animal Healing Stone Bracelet Angelite Angel Stone, consecrated - Peace of Mind Sale price129,98 €

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Karma Schmuck samaki originals Mallorca

Karma Schmuck Mallorca

Unique items, one-off pieces and small model editions, lovingly handcrafted, samaki originals mallorca