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🌕 Full moon time - shine and enjoy now

samaki originals blog

Lust auf frische Farben und Blütenzauber

Desire for fresh colors and floral magic

Lust auf frische Farben und Blütenzauber

Desire for fresh colors and floral magic

Longing for Mallorca?! Fancy summer, beach and sea?! For magical holiday feelings .... that includes cheerful, playful floral splendor: play of colors for the new samaki project mallorca Karma jewe...

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wir sehen uns bald in Can Picafort auf Mallorca

see you soon in Can Picafort on Mallorca

Can Picafort still far away for you? Oh well, the next Mallorca is sure to be coming very soon! 🥰 We look forward to seeing you! The Samaki Project Mallorca Wellness Shop and the Reiki practice awa...

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Armband Set in Weiss nach Kundinnen Wunsch

Bracelet set in white according to customer request

as desired 💙.... lots of white for clarity and a happy new beginning, a little turquoise because it is the favorite color .... KarmaSchmuck bracelet set for our dear friend 💙 Light and Love samaki ...

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samaki originals WohlfuehlLaden Can Picafort mit Reiki Praxis

samaki originals WohlfuehlLaden Can Picafort with Reiki practice

With great attention to the smallest detail and much anticipation for the upcoming season, we are preparing the samaki project mallorca WohlfuehlLaden Can Picafort and the Reiki practice as well a...

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Karma bedeutet Handeln ....

Karma means action....

Karma means action, and the energy we release, in the best case "love" and "kindness" and "joy" manifests itself in our lives... we can remember what is important to us, remember who we are, decide...

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zauberschöne Malas in sanften Farben

enchanting malas in soft colors

pink aventurine, white agate, lotus seeds, rainbow moonstone, delicate rose quartz .... samaki originals Mala prayer beads in soft colors, caresses for the soul, strength for your heart chakra, pr...

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Lust auf Frühling mit kräftigen Farben

Feeling spring with strong colors

Feeling like spring, feeling like color, samaki originals bracelet sets with wood and coconut, made of leather, with Shiva eye shells, made of neon artificial silk and much more in the samaki proje...

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Edelstein Farbspiel für Frühlingsgefühle

Gemstone color play for spring feelings

Play of colors and gemstones for your zest for life, samaki project mallorca Karma jewelry inspirations in turquoise, blue and purple: crown chakra, forehead chakra, throat chakra .... freedom, int...

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Freundschaft von Herzen

friendship from the heart

Friends are "the rock in the surf" - life is movement, and sometimes it swirls along, moving us gently at best, or rocking us until we feel dizzy, but also refreshing us through the gentlest waves,...

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ein zauberhafter Neumond

a magical new moon

a magical new moon the energies rise, direct themselves outwards Liveliness, life energy, joy .... activity creativity cure optimism ...

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